About Me

My mission is to encourage people, like yourself, to turn their public speaking aspirations into...

Real Results.


My mission is to encourage people, like yourself, to turn their public speaking aspirations into real results. More than anything, I want you to break free from a life of feeling that you aren’t good enough to speak in front of others and actually do it in a way that makes everyone give you a standing ovation, because you deserve the spotlight!

A Message From Me...

Listen, I’ve been where you are. I know what it’s like to have a dream, one you’ve felt you were destined to achieve for years, become shattered by setback after setback, leaving you feeling stuck, frustrated, and overwhelmed as to what in the world you should do next.

I’m here to also tell you from personal experience that you can overcome negative self-talk and jitters and have that successful business you’ve always wanted. All you have to do is believe in yourself. After all, you are a super star; you just need to show yourself to the world. You can do it!

The Secret Path To Success

Let’s be real. There is no magic wand that will immediately turn you into an award-winning speaker. What you should know is how to develop the skills that will make you outshine other speakers in your arena. Here are a couple of examples of these useful skills:

- How to use your voice to captivate your audience
- How to work a room
- How to better connect with others
- How to be a better communicator

It all boils down to your “why,” your determination, and your commitment to increasing your craft as a confident communicator. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that public speaking anxiety, or glossophobia, affects about 73% of the population. I help people get over this social anxiety disorder and gain confidence in speaking in front of an audience, even if they have massive stage fright or are extremely camera shy. https://nationalsocialanxietycenter.com You need a coach who has overcome glossophobia and who has the experience to get you there faster and more efficiently than doing it on your own...

You see, becoming a great speaker starts with a mindset shift. Worrying about judgment and having a fear of criticism won’t give you the spotlight you deserve. If your mind isn’t focused on what matters most (your message), being a dynamic speaker won’t follow.

That’s where I come in. I’m here to guide you from where you are right now to where you want to be. I’m here to help you transform your communication skills so that you’re seen as the go-to person in your industry because everyone is listening to what you have to say. And as you become a better speaker and communicator, you will have opportunities flow your way.

So, if you’re ready to level up your communication skills, check out my one-on-one coaching and programs. I look forward to seeing you o n the other side, super star!

About Christie

Christie Love is a Confidence & Communication Coach, Executive Communication & Connection Expert, Award-Winning Keynote Motivational Speaker, Podcast host and Author of the book, "From Stage Fright to Superstar". After over 20 years with Toastmasters and with her own coaching programs, she has mentored thousands of others to increase their confidence in front of an audience. Christie guides her clients one by one to discover their natural talents and gifts and use them to reach their dreams of becoming better speakers.
Christie helps leaders who struggle with building genuine connections to foster stronger relationships to the point where clients don’t and won’t look anywhere else because they trust you are in their corner, will happily refer you, and know that you will provide top-notch value from beginning to end. She is also the creator of the Client Connection Code.
Christie currently lives in Spring, Texas, with her husband, Earnest (a retired Navy Seal). Her interests include weaponry, interior design, and traveling. Public speaking is her passion.


Award-Winning, International Public Speaker | Communication & Connection Coach | Executive Trainer

TV Show Host | Podcaster | Best Selling Author

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